2024 EcoLiving Fair + Workshops

The EcoLiving Fair + Workshops is making its return on Saturday, March 23 at Red Deer Polytechnic.


The EcoLiving Fair + Workshops is Red Deer's one day event bringing together community groups, innovative local businesses, makers and artisans in an indoor marketplace. Connect to local expertise through workshops and engaging presentations, and gain an overview of what’s happening in Red Deer’s sustainability scene.

2024 Red Deer EcoLiving Fair & Workshops

Saturday, March 23 from 10am to 5pm at Red Deer Polytechnic in the Cafeteria (1007) and the Energy Innovation Centre (Alt Energy Lab) - watch for the directional signs posted - co-presented by ReThink Red Deer and Red Deer Polytechnic Green Campus 

Click to enlarge the Campus Map

Campus Map

Repair Cafe (Energy Innovation Centre / Alt Energy Lab) and Seedy Saturday Seed Swap (Cafeteria - 1007) run from 10am to 5pm

PLEASE NOTE: if you are bringing a bike to the Repair Cafe, please drive around to the south side of the campus to Lot J to drop it off - bikes are not allowed inside the main buildings. And parking is not allowed in the Residence spaces.

Marketplace Exhibitors:

Living Lands Landscape & Design
Springbrook Community Garden
Recycling Council of Alberta
Red Deer Garden Club - Seedy Saturday Seed Swap
Red Deer Public Library - Community Seed Library
Red Deer Energy Innovation Fair
Red Deer Association of Bicycle Commuters (RDABC) - Repair Cafe
Central Alberta MakerSpace - Repair Cafe
The Root Cellar: ecoStore & Apothecary (seeds, worm castings, and rain barrel pre-orders)


Workshops run 12:30pm to 5pm and are "pay what you can" with all proceeds going towards volunteer appreciation (suggested ticket price $5 per workshop, or $10 for an afternoon pass)

Feature Workshop - 12:30pm to 2pm in room 1007 (Cafeteria Conference Room) - Worming Your Way to Healthy Soils and Plants with Rhonda Sherman

Learn how to successfully vermicompost and use the product to enrich your soil and increase plant growth and yields. In addition to vermicomposting household food scraps, you can do it on a larger scale with other organic materials. Large vermicomposting operations exist on every continent except Antarctica. One of the leading experts worldwide on vermicomposting, Rhonda Sherman was the director of the Compost Learning Lab at North Carolina State University for 30 years until she retired in 2023. The author of 65 publications, her latest book is The Worm Farmer's Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions. Links to her videos and publications are at https://composting.ces.ncsu.edu/

NOTE: Detailed Workshops and Demos schedule subject to change - for the schedule and full descriptions please click HERE

12:30pm - 2pm    
  1007A Worming Your Way to Healthy Soils and Plants with Rhonda Sherman
2pm - 3pm    
  1007A Workshop 1 - Vermicomposting at Home
  Alt Energy Lab Workshop 2 - Building an Ecosystem - 11 Years of Biodiversity on a Rooftop
3pm - 4pm    
  1007A Workshop 3 - Cultivating Community
  Alt Energy Lab Workshop 4 - Basic Bike Repair
4pm - 5pm    
  1007A Workshop 5 - RV Living Year-round in Red Deer
  Alt Energy Lab Workshop 6 - Magical Microbes (Soil Food Web)

EcoLiving Fair

March 23rd, 2024 from 10:00 AM to  5:00 PM
100 College Blvd
Red Deer, AB T4N 5H5
Phone: 403-346-1735